Monday, October 6, 2014

True Humility

     Recently I've been studying and pondering the subject of humility. I didn't feel like I really understood how to be humble. Sometimes people make it seem like humility is just something that a few select people are naturally good at. I hear them say, "He is a humble man." And I wondered how I could possess that divine quality. It isn't just a natural tendency, it is a choice that we need to make. In an attempt to become humble, I would often try to humiliate myself. Have you ever done that before? Someone praises you for your good work or talent and you put yourself down and make it sound like you're garbage because you want to be virtuous. But if that isn't the way to be humble, what is? I had this feeling that it had to be a more positive mindset but still a choice nonetheless. Preach My Gospel says that humility is not a sign of weakness, but of spiritual strength. It is when you are willing to give the Lord the honor and glory for what is accomplished. Now that is something that I can do. I can gracefully accept the compliment that is given, but give credit to God for that blessing that He has given me. When we undertake to downplay the good things we do, we downplay what God has done through us. After all, we ourselves and everything we have come from him. Even the energy to do good works can be traced back to Him as the great source.
     Last Friday we had a zone conference that we were asked to give a training in. As we prepared throughout the week, we had a great struggle in trying to figure out what we would teach and train the zone on. We would spend a few hours planning, and just feel like we weren't getting it. We would stop and pray, and plead for help, but it felt like we had to scrape for inspiration in knowing what to prepare. When we finally got to the presentation, it went smoother than any training I have ever given before. The spirit was powerful, and I felt like what we taught came from God. Afterwards I had this feeling of gratitude for how well it went, and then I realized why it was so hard to prepare the training. It was to help us recognize where the ideas came from. They were not our own, they were the Lord's, and He helped me be humble by making us work for the inspiration.
     This weekend when President Monson began by saying that he was humbled by the task to address us, I understood what that truly meant. He recognizes the greatness of the task, and he knows where he needs to have help from. We watched a session with the Weimers, a couple that we have been meeting with lately. I felt like I was watching the session with family, they brought snacks and everything! At the conclusion of the session, we reviewed the messages that were shared and they were touched by the spirit in the room. After his leg recovers, he wants to be baptized and participate fully in the blessings of the restored gospel. I am humbled to be their friend and brother, and grateful that God has sent me here to be with this people. Let's go out and do extraordinary things and not shrug them off, but give praise to God for His help in accomplishing them.

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