Monday, October 13, 2014


"Behold, my joy is full, yea, my heart is brim with joy, and I will rejoice in my God." Alma 26:1
It's difficult to describe the great feelings that I experienced this week. Robert McNeely was finally prepared to receive baptism, and there was no way I could miss it! He has been a good friend and brother to me, I love their family so much. Elder Fisher and I made arrangements to go down to Lexington Park for the baptism, it was fun to be companions again for the day. I can truly say that I miss that transfer we served together, we worked so hard and he is like my brother. We caught up on the past few months and shared some of the things we've learned. When we got to the church and saw the Patuxent Ward Bishop he approached us and started talking to us like we were the missionaries for the ward, then he realized that we had both been transferred away! It was such a joyous reunion to see the Metcalfs, the McNeelys, and all the missionaries I love and served. The baptismal service was beautiful, and there was only one hold up.. There was one of the 8 year old girls really anxious to get baptized, and set things back an hour.. But good things come to those who wait, and the spirit was so strong as Robert was baptized by his father Ken. That was so neat!! It strengthens my testimony of the truthfulness of the restored priesthood ordinances. There isn't just a good feeling about the baptism, there is a solemn atmosphere that bears witness of the proper authority. I will definitely need to come back for when they go through the temple, and hope that Robert will be able to serve a mission next year. It is so worth the effort to share the gospel, I have made eternal friends and experienced everlasting joy. I have found that as I've given such a small portion of my life to the Lord, He has blessed me with so much more in return. You give Him a crust, and He sends down loaves.

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