Monday, September 1, 2014

Come to the Light!

For there are many yet on the earth among all sects, parties, and denominations, who are blinded by the subtle craftiness of men, whereby they lie in wait to deceive, and who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it-- D&C 123:12

     I have to admit I have often doubted the principle stated in this verse of scripture. Sometimes I feel like there isn't a single person left who isn't comfortable where they are, looking for more light and truth. That would be so perfect if every single person was seeking to know more about who they are and what their purpose is. We would never have enough missionaries for the amount of teaching that would need to be done! Yesterday I witnessed this principle fulfilled. Our plans for the evening fell through, and I had a thought to just start knocking doors in the area where we were in, but I also felt like it was a place that knew who missionaries are already. I remembered that there are a few names on the Ward directory that no one really knows about and so we decided to go check on them. We knocked on the first house off a main road and the lights were on, but no one came to the door. We knocked a few times, but Elder Thorpe said that he felt like we might be in danger so we gave up. I almost just walked back to the car to just drive over to the next house, but we decided to walk along the main road instead. The first house we passed there was a man sitting shirtless out on his porch alone listening to music. Without even thinking I started walking down his driveway towards him and started talking to him. Soon he opened up how he just moved here from West Virginia to live with his fiancĂ©. He doesn't know anyone here in St. Mary's County, and has felt kinda alone for a while. He said he has offered up more prayers to God in the last few months than in his entire life. He explained that he had gone through some difficult times in his past, and made some poor choices. I could sense true humility, and I got a warm feeling while he spoke. I know the spirit was with him, and we were excited to tell him of the message of hope and redemption that we share. It is so easy for me not to judge others, because I know how easy it can be to make mistakes. I also know that the restored gospel has power to overcome any weakness. I think I would be helpless without it, and so I am happy to share it :) Looking forward, I'm going to have more hope that there truly are individuals seeking for more light and truth, I just have to be ready, worthy, and in the right place to share it.

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