Monday, October 21, 2013

Mandarin AND Cantonese??

Working with my Chinese companion is crazy!!! Not only is his mandarin super proficient, but his native language is actually cantonese! So those people that we would otherwise have no means to communicate with, can hear and understand the message of the gospel. We were searching out former investigators, and there was one in particular that said they were super nice people, but hard of hearing so they weren't interested at all. It turns out that they just don't really speak any mandarin! They were really willing to come to church, but not too interested in diving into the commitments we gave them to begin praying to God and to read the scriptures individually and as a family. I actually have no idea what is going on in lessons because I don't speak cantonese! I can say hello, and I speak mandarin, not cantonese. Too much fun! It was a miracle to see them come to church on sunday. They also brought their neighbor from hong kong. Our gospel principles class was perfect and amazing! Chapter 17, the restoration of the gospel! All the cantonese speaking members were so willing to translate for them and become their friends. It is the most beautiful thing to come together as brothers and sisters, from different lands and different cultures, to discuss and inspire each other to live better. In fact, to live the best way possible. To fill the measure of our creation! I love being able to help people see their divine heritage and destiny, and feel the love that God does have for them. As I do so, I feel His great love for me, and I feel closer to filling my own purpose. I feel so content every hour of the day, because my focus is on others. Right now we're gearing up for a family history activity! It's going to be soo interesting and so much fun! As far as my knowledge, there isn't too much work done in the Chinese division of family history. They have records, but it's not put into systems like family search where everyone can access that precious information. I hope we can light a fire that will turn hearts of the Chinese people to the salvation of their ancestors. That will bring so much joy to all the children of God! It's a beautiful day out on the mall, and no way to see it all in 100 preparation days! I love DC! :)

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