Monday, December 22, 2014

Know what we have

     Yesterday we found out that one of our investigators spent the night in the emergency room because she had a few blood clots near her heart. We didn't have much time but we rushed over to give her a priesthood blessing. As we blessed her I felt the love our Heavenly Father has for her and for her family. I could feel how this illness could work to help her in her progression back to Him. It's been hard to set meetings with her, but she told us how she has been reading the Book of Mormon and she was much more anxious to try and meet with us this week.
     One of the recent converts of the Ward accepted our invitation to help host at the Temple Festival of Lights, and we accompanied him to go serve. As we turned the corner after exit 31 and he saw the temple rise up over the hill for the first time since being baptized. He expressed how taken aback he was by the beauty of the temple. He has lived near the temple since he was a child, and said that he actually used to make fun of the angel Moroni saying that he looked like he was wearing a diaper. This time was much different though. I realized how magnificent the temple truly is, and how over time I have forgotten how enchanting it is to see such an important place on the Earth. I felt a lot of loneliness as I saw so many families come to the festival, but I realized that because of the temple, I don't have to be on my own forever. Through the sealing power that is administered in the temple, we can have the greatest gift there is to have. I am grateful for eternal families, and will always try to remember that it is made possible by my Savior and by the temple.
     I got to go on my second exchange into Anacostia! I forgot what it's like to work in the city, it's a very different experience. I talked to as many people as I could and offered to share a special Christmas message with them. One young man was badly burned all over his hands and face, I felt so bad for him. But I thought in my mind, this man is my brother, and God has a special plan for him. I hope he accepts the gospel. The missionary I was on exchange with also did an awesome job at contacting. He came out at the same time as Elder Thorpe, so he is still pretty new at talking to people, he definitely didn't act that way. He taught this man the entire first lesson on the street! Then the man did an impersonation of Barack Obama... A few days later this Elder complimented my ability to talk with people. I am humbled because I never thought that was a strength of mine. That inspires me to to not give up on trying to do things that are hard for me. We need to recognize the talents that we do have, and the talents that we have potential to develop. There isn't a better time of year to serve the Lord, there isn't a better time to recognize what He has given us. I hope we can always remember Him, and always remember what we can become because of Him.

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