Monday, December 15, 2014

He is my Gift

      I think that during this time of year we envision the Christ captured forever in an infant state. It feels like His birth is a repeatedly occurring event as we celebrate it continually throughout our lives. This week it struck me that the truth is that Christ is currently a glorified and resurrected being, not a baby in a manger. How could this celebration of his birth help us to fill the commandment that He has given us to always remember him? Elder Russell M. Nelson put it well when he said, "Christmas is a time of reflection on what we can become because of God’s sacred gift." We can use this time to reflect upon the entry of Jesus into the world. He is the greatest gift that we have been given because only he can help us become the kind of people God created us to be. We can overcome death and all of our weaknesses because of this gift, Jesus Christ. I came on a mission after experiencing the help and healing power of the atonement that helped me become a better person.
     This past week we worked hard. I wasn't going to use transfers as an excuse to slow down! My new companion Elder Thornton is an amazing missionary, the strongest I know! We served in the same district a year ago for about 6 months. He has grown even more capable as a missionary having served in DC 3rd just like I did, and up in the Seneca Stake like I did as well. He is a powerful teacher and has a great understanding of the gospel. On top of the meetings we had to attend to this week, we scheduled as many teaching opportunities as possible. Last night we got to teach a man that Elder Peterson and I met at 8:29, our last door of the night. He let us right in and was interested to hear the message of the restoration. He agreed to be baptized if he finds out for himself that it's true.
      Our Ward Christmas party was so much fun! It is amazing that I knew every single person in attendance. I'm not sure that I was ever able to do that in my own home ward! After the party we had one of the best lessons of my mission. A young woman and her mother came to the discussion to help out. The investigator told us that she didn't understand why we were so persistent about doing missionary work. I asked the young woman why she would take time out of her Saturday to come to a gospel discussion. She got choked up when she proclaimed that she would otherwise be helping her dad with a project, but because of her testimony she has a desire to share the gospel, and wants others to feel the peace and joy that she has. I am so impressed with our youth! We tried to teach how temple ordinances make a difference in our lives, but it wasn't until the mother of the young woman taught that we don't just get married until death do we part but for time and all eternity that the principle made sense to her. I know that this investigator and her family can have so much joy and become even better people as they choose to follow the Savior and be baptized. I love this time of year, I love sharing the greatest message ever told. I hope you have the opportunity to help someone remember that He is the Gift.

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