Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Midnighted to DC

So guess what?! I got emergency transferred. I'm now in the middle of the northwest corner of DC, speaking English! I can't even believe it right now.. I feel like Heavenly Father is really pushing me to the maximum. I thought I would never get that feeling that I got in the MTC when they told me I was going to leave 3 weeks early again, and yet there it was. An Elder who just got out in the field decided to go home, leaving this area threatened to closing. And so, being the only trio, President's only resort was to pull me out and put me in the area. On bike, talking to black people all day. Completely opposite!! Talking to Ders all the time definitely prepared me for this ;) I sometimes feel like I'm talking to him when I talk to some people, I LOVE it!! My companion is from Ukraine, and he has excellent English. I hope he is doing alright, he's had some pretty difficult companions. I want to be the best that I can be for him. Even though this is unexpected, being my second transfer, I truly feel like this is part of Heavenly Father's plan for me. No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing. I was thinking about why he wouldn't call any Chinese Elder to this area for a year, and then 2. He was ready for this, and I'll be ready for this. It feels so unfair leaving the area I worked so hard on behind. I just was getting the hang of things. But I know this change is truly for my good as well. I have a specific purpose here, and I feel it is the best possible environment for me to grow the most that I can. I am ready to put my heart and soul into the work here, and love these people like my brothers and sisters. I had to get shoes to bike in and clothes to get dirty and I have to provide all my meals now, so I don't know how I'm going to make my money go this month, but I trust that the Lord will provide. I just haven't budgeted for I learned that I always have to be prepared for things like this to happen. I just think I should have been prepared to serve English at the beginning of my mission. I feel like one of my weaknesses is just the first approach, so I get a lot of practice in my own language! I hope I can bring it back to Chinese. I know my language can suffer too, so I'm putting a lot of effort into keeping it up through self study. I'm learning some Russian too from Elder Synelnikov! I love him already though, and I trust that there is a work very specific for us to do at this time.

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