Monday, March 30, 2015

Because He Lives

     I've never really thought about what Christ did on Palm Sunday. It's not a holiday that we observe as latter-day saints, but that doesn't change the significance of what Jesus Christ did on that day. It wasn't like he had gone on a two year mission to Washington DC and was finally coming home. He was going to a city ripe with iniquity that lusted after his blood. He willingly entered into the mouth of the lion as it were and in the words of Joseph Smith going "like a lamb to the slaughter." The way that Christ faces opposition and a most fearful situation is well deserving of our admiration and attention. There are a lot of changes coming in my life in the days ahead, but I want to choose to respond with acts of faith rather than cower in fear. A few verses after entering Jerusalem the Savior teaches this; "He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal." John 12:25 We have nothing to fear when we are striving to do the will of Heavenly Father and face our trials with an eternal perspective. Jesus knew that following his entry into Jerusalem he would face anguish, betrayal, abandonment, ultimate suffering, but He also knew that at the end of the week there would be a resurrection and the fulfillment of all the prophecies that had been made of Him. I look to Him in my hours of fear and discomfort and hope that you can do the same, because He lives today.
     This past week I had the opportunity to go on exchange with my district leader from the Ivory Coast. I've spoken a few times of him throughout my entries, but something he shared with me changed my perspective on my entire mission. Once upon a time when I was still being trained in the DC 3rd Ward with Elder Synelnikov, I was really struggling to contact people and talk to people on the street. I went on exchange with my zone leader Elder Ferugen from Japan and he asked me what I wanted to work on. He told me how he finds joy in talking to people and told me to watch him and be fearless. He said that no matter what the world might try to tell me, Heavenly Father appreciates what we are doing more than we can imagine. We set out and I saw how he would just ask people about their day and take down their contact information. As we biked down Longfellow I noticed a lady approaching the crosswalk. I stopped and talked with her and set up a return appointment for the first time! She was from Cameroon and I remember teaching her a few times before I was transferred. Elder Monsia told me this week that after 2 years, they have started teaching her again! She says that she remembers the first Elder that talked to her was named Elder Lim. I looked back in my journal and matched up her name, isn't that amazing? When you think that what you do in the service of God is small and seemingly insignificant, reconsider that the Lord is in charge and will magnify your efforts.
      I want to especially devote this Easter week to studying the resurrection and better understanding what my Savior did to me. My challenge is to spend time watching the Bible Videos "Lazarus is Raised from the Dead" and "Because He Lives." Think about what role Jesus will play when you have the opportunity to one day live again, and be united with your family once again.

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