Monday, August 11, 2014

Welcome Elder Thorpe!

        When new missionaries are introduced into the field, we have a special meeting for them to meet their companion. We sat on opposing sides of a theater in the Temple Visitor Center, and I had this feeling that my new companion would be the one sitting in the very back. Sure enough, we were both called up to be companions! I have a great love and respect for this man Elder Jim Thorpe. He is so bright, and so genuine in his love for the gospel and for the scriptures. My biggest worry about a new companion is always whether or not they will have a lot of and the right kind of motivation. His drive is his abiding testimony of the fullness of the gospel, and his strength is his care for the people. He has left behind his computers and the world of gaming he loves, to take on a mission for The Lord. It's such an honor for me to be his first companion here in the greatest mission in the history of life.
I wanted so badly for him to have a great first week in the field, so I set up as many appointments as I could. The first night we went out knocking on doors. We actually had a few great contacts! One stood outside with us for half an hour and opened up to us about his concerns of drinking alcohol. That night I felt that we should call the brother in the hospice house to visit with and strengthen him. We shared scriptures from the Book of Mormon, and he liked them and expressed how he would like to show them to his sisters. Then his sister walked in to come visit with him! What a miracle is that?? She was so nice to us and open to talking about religion. That night we got to go to a special priesthood meeting on the 7th floor of the temple. That was one of the holiest experiences in my entire life. I can't quite describe how I felt there, other than that it was the most glorious meeting place I have ever entered. Perhaps that is a lot like what the halls of heaven feel like. I felt like I was home surrounded by the loving families of the Patuxent Ward.
      The next evening we had one of the grandest experiences of my mission thus far. We got to our appointment a little early and decided to knock a couple doors. The second door a man opened the door to reveal 6 children all under 11 standing there staring us down! We had a great conversation about families and he allowed us in to talk more. Elder Thorpe and I bore our testimonies of how the gospel blesses individuals and families, and we all started to tear up. We have a follow up appointment this Thursday! The following lesson we had was amazing. It was with a young father Elder Fisher and I met over a month ago. He was on a business trip to Spain, then a mission trip in Uganda to help out an orphanage. He is such a great guy! And has a firm testimony of Christ and the power of repentance. We brought with us a recent convert from the other ward, who was previously a minister in the Lutheran church for 12 years. The man we were visiting had also invited a pastor from his church over for the discussion. Talk about a potentially dangerous situation! It started out very contentiously, as verses of the bible were thrown at us to prove that we were heretics to Christ. Brother Casto lovingly rebuked the pastor for being disrespectful and trying to aggressively convince us of our error, rather than trying to bring us closer to Christ by persuasion. I have never witnessed such a powerful, controlled correction before, but it was definitely done out of love, and it changed the spirit of the entire discussion. By the end the two men had accepted the challenge to read the Book of Mormon and sincerely ask God, if it is true. It was so remarkable for us to be a part of that kind of discussion, and I hope that these men find that what we teach can add to their faith, and bring a fullness of light and knowledge to their understanding of Christ.
     I feel The Lord helping me now more than ever. He's guiding me, He's changing me, and I am so happy! It's so worth it to put your trust in Him, and love the journey.

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