Monday, July 21, 2014

The Spirit of Truth!

   There isn't an entry I could write that could tell or capture all the wonderful things that have happened this week. Something that ties all of it together though is how the spirit of God enters into our hearts and minds to tell us what is true. That is what helped the McNeelys to know that being baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is what God wanted them to do. It's what confirmed to me in my heart that what they were doing was right. It also touched their son, who said that he saw this look of peace in their faces as they were being baptized that he had never seen before, I saw it too. It is such a great gift to us to be able to receive feelings of joy and comfort through the Holy Ghost, so that we know in our hearts when we're on the right path.
     "The Spirit of God speaking to the spirit of man has power to impart truth with greater effect and understanding than the truth can be imparted by personal contact even with heavenly beings. Through the Holy Ghost the truth is woven into the very fibre and sinews of the body so that it cannot be forgotten." Joseph Fielding Smith
     Elder Fisher and I have had many doors opened to us because we seek to just touch the people with the spirit, and hope that they will decide to investigate more. We were knocking doors in the neighborhood that we found the Chinese lady, and we met her husband! He also was not interested.. But their neighbor was a very nice young man that stepped out to have a chat with us. He knows several of the youth in the Ward from high school and he already has a great perception of the church. We were so happy to give him a copy of the Book of Mormon and challenge him to search its contents. I know that if he does, he will feel something that confirms that it is a book from God. Further down the street we met another lady that made sure we knew she was catholic, but invited us to return this week. Later that evening, we were knocking in military housing, where people are a lot more respectful and courteous. We were being eaten alive by mosquitoes! They were all over every household's front porch, and I swell up really badly after I get bitten :P I just forgot the bug spray in the car.. We got a few return appointments, but the entire time this young girl followed us around on her scooter. I think she could recognize by the spirit of truth that we had something that she wants for her family. Children are so pure and innocent, we need to be like that. I'm learning that I don't need to convince anyone that what I have to say is true, I trust that God will take care of that because it is true and He loves the people that I meet. Remember that as you share what you believe with the people around you.

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